Suprima offers you a wide range of functional patient-clothing of high quality :
With clever details like different zipper-solutions on the sleepsuits wich
makes caring a lot easier.
The high content of cotton in these sleepsuits makes them comfortable to wear.
As people are growing older, new problems surface like incontinence and/or Alzheimer disease.
With the help of our special sleepsuits or body's, the caring for those people can be a lot easier.
Sleepsuits ( or care-overalls ) for women and men make the care easier.
The sleepsuits of suprima pay attention to the special requirements of care clothing:
easy dressing/undressing, changing of incontinence material without problems, avoiding
of pressure points, and an easy to care fabric.
Suprima offers a lot of different overalls:
• normal and short sizes
• long or short overalls
• different zipper solutions
So it is possible to choose the suited overall according to the special needs of the patient.
Feeling comfortable
day and night
Fastener solutions for bodies, overalls and sleeping bags:
Leg zipper :
• Changing of incontinence products possible without fully undressing;
simply changing of compression hosiery or bandages
• Safeguard at leg zipper impedes independent undressing
• Leg zipper shifted upwards: no contact with genital area necessary
Back zipper :
• Slanted back zippers prevent pressure points at the back; independent
undressing not possible
Front zipper :
• Especially suitable for the care of dementia sufferers; Safeguard at leg
zipper impedes independent undressing
• Changing of incontinence products possible without fully undressing the patient
Fastener solutions for chemises:
Tying in back :
• Changing of garments and incontinence products possible without fully
undressing the patient
• Suitable for the care of immobile patients; patient has to be less moved for
changing clothes
Semiopen back-piece :
• Open below the shoulders, however shoulder region is closed
Various closure
solutions for care
garments and sleeping
bags offer advantages
and more
comfort for patients
and nurses.
leg back front